Tuesday, March 17, 2009

an open letter to a lady bird

this is exactly how I feel at the moment; the locations do not correspond.
you will understand when you get my letter, but this was an instant frozen.
the strange thing is how the posture correlates to the feelings
or how the words correlate to the emotions
but we are not in the same time
as it was just the past.

how time will play tricks on us,



Blogger Megan said...

Dear Mrs. Pieces, the posture correlates to the feelings. And how.

I fucking miss you with every morsel in my body. With every morel mushroom thrown into stirfrys around the globe. With all the team morale one can muster. I miss thee. We will camp together, do mushrooms together, boost morales together.


March 18, 2009 at 1:52 AM  

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