Thursday, February 26, 2009

backlash bonne fete

happy birthday to me. I am twenty-three on T3s.

(I should probably quit the rhyme right about here; I imagine it would turn out badly.)

I am actually on T3s right now though, given to me in prescription form by a new dentist. That and some anti-inflammatory pill which is enormous, red and yellow. this whole thing started with a toothache and now I am sitting here, bloated on one side of my face and in pain, on the eve of my anniversary and the advent of shira, princess of power.

timing is everything; perhaps this will be the inscription on my other foot.

its strange. I can remember my twenty one (forever young) very clearly; it was charged, it was change. twenty two was in two languages & I don't know what it really was trying to say, as a year in a life. new, confusing, half-verbal, I sort of stumbled through it. half-fluent about where or who I was.

existentialism to the max. pardon me, but I am on T3s.

The other day richard bars wrote me an email that was very symmetrical. I often wonder about the order of things, like he does. how words and items and people and things on a list will stack and prioritize themselves in an inner-hierarchy, chain-of-events, working itself out darwinian style. you know, those people, occasions. incidents. affairs. experiences.

then bam! chalk another year of life and reflect upon it.


it is a little pathetic that I am sitting here, high on T3s and red and yellow pills, blogging. there are definitely more important things to write at this point, but I am blocked. bloated and buoyant on foreign chemicals. jaw clenched, bun high, enclosed in dark and warmness of my place in montreal, I embrace a lucid evening turning into twenty three. I have decided to, momentarily, "fuck the backlash" but I know I will get back to it.

Is productivity even possible on T3s? non.

--- -- ok back to it.

tomorrow's my party; a party sobriety.

bisoux, the birthday girl.

post script:

my mother just told me the greatest story of my very own birth.

apparently, after a full night of no sleep and full-on contractions I came into the world at 10:01. this I knew. what I didn't know is that, once out, all the nurses stopped their tracks and commented to my exhausted mother that I was acting like a babe who had been out at least two weeks in the world; that I was aware of everything. for my brother and my sister (and many babies, I am told) there are lingering moments in a newborns disposition signaling great discomfort and annoyance to be out of the warmth of the womb. not I.


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