Friday, May 1, 2009

pouce, index, majeur, auriculaire

Life is ----

---- greener.

I waltzed around a foreign part of the city (the suburbs) with an old roommate and lover. I love(d) her. She was off to Europe to blaze trails and accumulate languages, but had a seven hour layaway in la belle. So we jumped a bus from the airport and let it take us to somewhere neither of us had been before It felt like we were neither here nor there but it was still familiar - akin to lounging as we did before, above urban waves in the village. me, feeling free. her, forever working. always meeting at the end of the day in the half-way point of our apartment - the kitchen- to discuss the varying levels of drama in my love life and what she would be when she grew up (I was going to be an educator). It was funny to feel that way again, together. people can recall feeling for me like the tune of a song. melody + lyrics = nostalgia and the same can be said about the people who I just do not see as often anymore, but whom I still love dearly.

she remarked, numerous times, how the grass was so much greener here. I looked around at the herb on the ground, the leaves pushing their way out into the sun, and imagined the brown/yellow straw-like splendor or manitoba grass in the springtime.

The parable came to mind... you know the one... things are always greener.... and I said it, even if it is cliché.

this incident has presented itself and made me wonder. with ongoing news of people coming and going, jumping ship and heading east, or west, or anywhere else, I often want to expect what experiences will come. is it really any better here or there or anywhere? what are we running from, or to?

----- even more surprising.

we 514 bangers are really changing it up. two of my bests/bosses are heading back to van city, so (with mild trepidation over replacements) we partied like you wouldn't believe. Certain images came fluttering to memory today while I did what we all do for a living... stomping heels on hardwood floors to fight for our right to party, walking onto the terrasse to be greeted by my new boss - who happens to be from winnipeg - and who I happen to have known since grade ten, drinking foamily from a keg that was found on the front walk of malcoms apartment building and ended up in the bathtub, riding home wildly in the rain to wake up, rinse, repeat.

fuck real jobs and occupations. I feel very lucky to work/have worked with my friends. It makes the drudgery of any 9-5 so. much. sweeter.

------ filled with song and dance

karaoke party on a sunday. a personal invite from the DJ turned into a crazy night at club date, which ended on a high-note with someone asking me if Janelle and I are a couple while we shared some cheese curds... (did we say no?? don't recall...)

so now, post-karaoke pitchers, two glorious days off lay in front of me and the forecast calls for sunny days. The aforementioned life-partner & I spent today lazing and drinking the quebec version of a slurpee (not as good), and curing our hangovers with vitamin D on the front terasse.

---- lazy in a good way.

spending hours drinking coffee and strolling blogs? half-pathetic, half-priceless. J'(heart) passive aggressive notes.


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