Wednesday, October 10, 2007

trip la bouffe...

next mornings are always hard...

but nothing kills a ninja hangover like a trip to the insectarium...

all the butterflies & beetles made me want to get a tramp stamp. ha.

after the insects we headed over to jardin de chine...

I went back to UQAM to help clean up....
I have a not so secret desire to be bi ling, if only to DO this school.

remember how we used to play??

not cool...

I was creeping HARD in the parc....

je suis affamé pour tout...
xo. le bete.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are fitting well into your new life; comfortable from the looks of it. I knew you'd be good all along. Nonetheless the fact remains(and forever will) that I love you and miss you!


PS. Expect a phonecall from me soon soon. I'd skype but I'm without cam/mic.

October 12, 2007 at 10:20 AM  

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