The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure while always arriving...
some of the more colourful back alley art I have seen in a bit ...
I have also developed a healthy obsession with 80s esthetic pin-ups.
According to "the waking life":
We are all losing the real virtues of living passionately. Your life is yours to create. The more you talk about a person as a marginlized being, the more you open up a world of excuses, keeping an individual from doing things, taking accountability and barring the road of communication. We should never write ourselves off as a victim of various forces...
Benedict Anderson also proved:
Our cells completely regenerate every seven years,
and thus we become completely different beings
while remaining fundamentally the same...
seven. fourteen. twenty-one.
( I have taken to cycling the streets in the dead of night in hopes to further orient myself in this expansive, cosmopolitan space.)
I stopped as I passed Holt Renfrew & thought of my other jaunting half...
In conclusion,
consumerism. art. commodity. participation.
We make our own confines.
We are the authors of our own existance.
Vivant avec une profusion de vie.
N'ennuyer pas, Lo.
some of the more colourful back alley art I have seen in a bit ...
I have also developed a healthy obsession with 80s esthetic pin-ups.
According to "the waking life":
We are all losing the real virtues of living passionately. Your life is yours to create. The more you talk about a person as a marginlized being, the more you open up a world of excuses, keeping an individual from doing things, taking accountability and barring the road of communication. We should never write ourselves off as a victim of various forces...
Benedict Anderson also proved:
Our cells completely regenerate every seven years,
and thus we become completely different beings
while remaining fundamentally the same...
seven. fourteen. twenty-one.
( I have taken to cycling the streets in the dead of night in hopes to further orient myself in this expansive, cosmopolitan space.)
I stopped as I passed Holt Renfrew & thought of my other jaunting half...
In conclusion,
consumerism. art. commodity. participation.
We make our own confines.
We are the authors of our own existance.
Vivant avec une profusion de vie.
N'ennuyer pas, Lo.
these 80s style signs are killing it! soon soon pictures will be had avec these stark portraits; your face and my face... 3 more sleeps! i can no longer hold my peace - i MISS you a BAZILLION TRILLION!
love always,
the lady with a j.
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